Women Build
Coming Fall 2025
You can be part of this huge gathering of women that comes together to raise the walls and funds for a Habitat home on this empowering Saturday morning filled with music, friends and a whole lot of impact.
Builders, sponsors, fundraisers and donors needed!
How to get involved
While the event focuses on women, ALL are welcome! Absolutely no experience required, but you must be 16 or older. Builders will participate in a framing blitz where all the participants will gather to build the walls of the home and have the option for additional build days on the home once the walls are moved to the official home site.
Recruit a team of 5 people. Raise $1,500. Help build a home.
All builders receive a build T-shirt and swag bag, but you must raise your team goal of at least $1,500 to participate.
Registration opens in May 2025.
Tips: Give your team a fun name and pick a team leader to act as the main contact with Habitat. The team leader will register your team on our website. Then, they will get an email with instructions to set up your team fundraising page. Each team member can use that link to get friends, family, coworkers and even your company to donate toward your goal. It all goes toward construction materials for the home!
Don’t have a team but still want to build? Go ahead and register and we’ll put you on a team with others like you. For single builders, we ask you raise a minimum of $300.
Check out our tool kit to find great ideas for fundraising and promoting your campaign!
Corporate sponsorships are also important to the success of Women Build. We have several sponsor options:
Presenting sponsor: $20,000
Platinum Hammer sponsor: $10,000
Golden Hammer sponsor: $5,000
Silver Hammer sponsor: $2,500
Gifts in-kind
See detailed sponsor information here or contact Kylie Herbert, director of development, at 864.900.9297 or development@habitatanderson.org
‘Empowered women empower women.’
This is exactly what Women Build does! I have wanted to volunteer with Habitat for a long time but wasn’t sure what it would entail or if I was qualified and was too nervous to start. When Habitat put together the first Women Build in Anderson in 2019, it was a perfect opportunity to give back and get my feet wet. And not only that, this was an event for women (at least mostly), which instantly interested me!! I have learned so many skills and gained confidence while helping to build homes and giving back to our community in a women-centered way. I have loved the experience so much!
Jennifer chandler, 5-time Women Build participant
Women and housing
Women and children make up the majority of people populating Habitat neighborhoods, as they are the most likely to be affected by poor living conditions. They face challenges that make it more difficult to access this basic need.
Higher rates of poverty for female heads of household – Three out of four single-parent families are headed by a female. More than 30 percent of female-headed households with children are below the poverty level.
Housing discrimination – Minorities, women and low-income borrowers receive a disproportionate amount of high-cost loans. Women on average pay more for mortgages than men, experience higher rates of subprime lending than men and are more likely to be denied a mortgage than men.
The wage gap – On average, women still earn 80 percent of what the average male earns.