Planned gifts allow generous partners like you to make meaningful gifts you may have never thought possible. A little planning expands your opportunity to help Habitat for Humanity of Anderson County build a world where everyone has a safe, decent, and affordable place to call home.
Do you hope for a community with healthier kids, greater academics, stronger neighborhoods, and affordable homeownership opportunities for families and individuals? Your planned gift to Habitat for Humanity of Anderson County will create a lasting impact in all of these areas and beyond.
Some examples of legacy gifts include:
Will or living trust
Real estate and investment assets
Retirement plans and IRAs
Life insurance policy
Charitable gift annuity
Please consider this information a starting point, and speak to your financial planner for more information. The most effective legacy gifts are made in coordination with an estate plan, but we have provided some language you can use for a simple bequest. The official legal bequest language for Habitat for Humanity is:
"I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Habitat for Humanity Anderson, Inc. [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."