Ways to give
In order for Habitat to be able to build homes, we rely on generous donations of both money and materials. Your congregation can help contribute to building a home by giving generously. Below are some ideas of how you can give.
Church giving
Make a one-time or monthly financial donation as a congregation
Help purchase building supplies for the home (e.g. framing lumber, shingles, siding, etc.)
Give a “room” of a home:
Closet - $250
Bedroom - $500
Bathroom - $1000
Kitchen - $3000
Individual giving
Encourage individual church members to volunteer or donate.
Give a section of square feet in a house. It costs $100 per square feet to build a Habitat home.
Sponsor a Faith Build Day
What better way to put your faith into action than by sponsoring a Faith Build day! Sponsoring a Faith Build Day includes: scheduling a date with our volunteer coordinator for a group from your faith community to volunteer, donating the cost of one square foot of the home per volunteer (one square foot costs us $100 to build) and, most importantly praying, over the home at the end of your volunteer day. We simply cannot build homes without volunteer groups and faith communities like yours.
Become a Kingdom Planter
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” (Matthew 13:31-32). Kingdom Planters sponsor the yard for a Habitat home. This means your church will plan, fundraise, and volunteer for the landscaping of a Habitat home. Yard sponsorships start at $1000. For more information about how your church can become a Kingdom Planter Church, contact engagement@habitatanderson.org.
Just as a mustard seed can start as something so small and grow into something beautiful and strong, a small act of faith in action can have great impact for years to come.
If you are interested in giving, contact engagement@habitatanderson.org. Have an idea but don’t see it here? You can share that, too. We’d love to hear from you!